Birth Chart Readings (Natal Astrology)

Schedule a natal birth chart reading with Glenn

11081337_941370505897128_5562878053682974192_nAstrology can be wonderfully valuable at helping to uncover and highlight your hidden talents and strengths; as well as your blind spots — i.e. “shadow,” or areas where you are more likely to become “hijacked” and make unconscious choices.  It helps “light up” your deeper soul and life & career purpose.   Ultimately, it helps you to accept yourself more fully as you truly are, in all the glory and “full catastrophe” of your most authentic humanity.

A common thing I hear people tell me at a reading is “Wow, I’ve known that about myself forever, but I never had the words for it.”

Natal astrology is the gateway to your soul’s purpose in life.  It can help you understand your path to happiness, to your love life, to your work and career in the world, and so much more!

If you’ve never had a reading before, it’s the place to start.  Understanding your birth chart is essential to understanding transits (the opportunities and challenges which are shaping your life right now), and relationship astrology.  In fact, I always begin with at least a basic look at your natal chart for any reading, because it “sets the stage” for everything else.

Steven Forrest’s Perspective on Natal Astrology

The following is written by the astrologer that I consider my biggest influence, Steven Forrest.  It’s such a beautiful summary of why you might want to consider a natal birth chart reading, that I am including it in full:

A woman has a baby and is blissful about it. Another one does the same, and spends the rest of her life dreaming about how she might have been a ballerina. The same choice: having a kid. But only one smiling woman.

Nobody has a generic formula for happiness, at least not one that does the trick for everyone.

That’s where astrology comes in.

The birthchart, stripped to bare bones, is simply a description of the happiest, most fulfilling life that’s available to you… personally. It spells out a set of strategies you can use to avoid boring routines, bad choices, and dead ends. It lists your resources. And it talks about how your life looks when you’re misusing the resources and distorting the strategies — shooting yourself in the foot, in other words.

All from a map of the sky?  Hard to believe.

But think for a minute… “How can the planets possibly affect us? They’re millions of miles away.”

Astrology’s critics are fond of rolling out that argument. But it doesn’t hold water. Go out and gaze at the moon. What’s really happening? Incomprehensible energies are plunging across a quarter million miles of void, crashing through your eyeballs and creating electrochemical changes in your brain. We call the process “seeing the moon.” Certainly the planets affect us. The question is where do we draw the boundaries around those effects?

Let’s go a step further.  Open your eyes on a starry night. What do you see? A vast, luminous space, full of shadows and light. Now close your eyes so tight they ache. Where are you now? What do you see? Again, a vast, luminous space, full of shadows and light. Consciousness and cosmos are structured around the same laws, follow the same patterns, and even feel pretty much the same to our senses.

“As above, so below.” Just as the starry night awes us with its vastness, there’s something infinitely deep inside you, a place you go when you close your eyes, a place that’s beyond being an Aries or a Gemini or even a specific gender. At the most profound level, a birthchart is a map back to that magical center. It describes a series of earthly experiences which, if you’re brave and open enough, will trigger certain states of consciousness in you — states that operate like powerful spiritual catalysts, vaulting you into higher levels of being.

In a natal birth chart reading, you’ll tour your personal birthchart. But don’t expect the usual “Scorpios are sexy” stuff. You are a mysterious being in a mysterious cosmos. You’re here for just a little while, a blink of God’s eye. You face a monumental task: figuring out what’s going on! In that spiritual work, astrology is your ally. How will it help? Certainly not by pigeon-holing you as a certain “type.”

Astrology works by reminding you who you are, by warning you about the comforting lies we all tell ourselves, and by illuminating the experiences that trigger your most explosive leaps in awareness.

After that, the rest is up to you.

Schedule a natal birth chart reading with Glenn


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